Stanley Cavell, the Ordinary, and the Democratization of Culture(s) dans Paul Standish et Naoko Saito (dir.), "Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation: The Truth is Translated" Sandra Laugier
Un scepticisme de l’ordinaire dans Jean-Charles Darmon, Philippe Desan et Gianni Paganini (dir.), "Scepticisme et pensée morale : de Michel de Montaigne à Stanley Cavell" Sandra Laugier
What Matters: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Importance dans Garry L. Hagberg (dir.), "Stanley Cavell on Aesthetic Understanding" Sandra Laugier
Spoilers, Twists, and Dragons: Popular Narrative after "Game of Thrones" dans Ian Christie et Annie van den Oever (dir.), "Stories. Screen Narrative in the Digital Era" Sandra Laugier